Dream Cottage
Snowy Day
I have no excuses for not posting in almost two months! For some reason, I just felt overwhelmed with blogging and preparing for Thanksgiving at our house, etc. That doesn't mean that I haven't been enjoying your blogs, though! So many wonderful decorations and pretty homemade goodies - it has gotten me in the mood for the holidays and inspired me to create!!
Caramel Toffee Apples
I hope you're enjoying your weekend. I cannot believe it's the end of October already! Less than two months till Christmas.
A Collection Started
My Choice
If I had to choose a favorite decoration out of all my fall things, I'd have to say this is the one! I love that a sweet, little ol' German lady made this for a local shop. She happened to be there dropping more stitcheries off the day I had this in my hand and was headed up to the counter. She even signed the back with her name, Lydia. I love that she told me she bought old frames at Goodwill, painted them, and used them for her little stitcheries. So sweet! The 'five' little pumpkins also has special meaning to me because there are five members in our little family. So every time I pull this out in the fall, I can't help but smile when I remember Lydia and the little bit of history behind this!
Fall has been ushered in with a vengeance here in the Pacific Northwest! Almost feels like winter... I hope you're enjoying the change in weather as much as I am!
*the spellchecker just told me stitcheries isn't a word. well, if it isn't, it's still in "my" dictionary!
Mug Shots
Littles Unveiled
Don't you just love this cupboard by Amy P! The paper that was used in the back is so pretty. And a beautiful potted tree.
Wouldn't you love to curl up with a newspaper and this cozy hand crocheted blanket? I would. Brrrr....it's cold outside this morning! I needed this Jennifer.
Nursery accessories by Lisa. Isn't this the cutest rocking horse? Complete with fuzzy tail and mane. Building blocks with the letters CLH (Club Little House) and a reversible bib. Just noticed I forgot to take a picture of the cute little banner that matches.
I have everything a little kitty could ever need including kitty litter! All I'm missing is the kitty. Guess what I'm on the lookout for, Keri?
The most precious rug ever!! How clever to use the Club Little House logo. And now I have a matching button proclaiming me to be a member. I feel so official, June!
Each little I received had it's own special details and I know there was so much thought and love put into the making of them! Thank you, thank you to each one of you Club Little House members for all your hard work! I love it all and can't wait for the next time!! A special thank you to Amy and her elves who put so much time, effort, and love into organizing and putting it together.
Cross Country Trek
Look at the wonderful layers of surprises! And the polka dot paper - just yummy.
More pictures to come...
'Tis the Season...

Sadly Neglected
We spent Labor Day driving down to Oregon to see Multnomah Falls. It was my third time, my husband's first (he grew up here in the Pacific NW). If you're ever in the area, it's a beautiful place to visit, just not on a holiday! It was rather crowded and parking was horrid.
We walked/hiked the short distance (0.2 mi) up to the bridge above the lower falls. The bottom picture is looking down from there. Did I ever mention that I'm afraid of heights? So standing so close to the side to take this picture was a feat in itself! **shiver** And then noticing a chunk on one of the posts of the bridge was missing...ugh. I wanted to faint. For dinner, we decided to take the kids to the Old Spaghetti Factory in Portland. Yummy! For some reason, pasta is one thing that the whole family can agree on liking. Happy Thursday!
Pacific Beach
County Fair
We took the kids to a county fair Friday night. They had a great time!
And of course, what's a FAIR without a few rides?!?
Order of the Day
The Doors
I picked up these vintage cupboard doors for a song at the place that went out of business before they had the big blow-out sale. I think these doors are absolutely sweet with the vintage decals of Dutch children on them. I thought maybe I'd hang them on the wall as is. Any other ideas? I still need to clean them up a bit. They're painted a pretty blue on the back. I wish I could view the backs as well as the fronts.